Metasearch: which one

How does metasearch work?

Metasearch or Travel Meta Search websites are aimed at combining and comparing information, rates, reviews and offers from hotels and all kind of accommodation facilities

The main metasearch tools are Trivago and Google Hotel ADS.
Their spread and continuous innovation is significantly affecting the reservation process.
Nowadays, using metasearch is key to online promotion, as it helps properties to compete with OTAs, to boost sales and to cut commission costs.
Many users rather reserve through metasearch thanks to rate and reviews comparison.
If a property is already using these channels, the direct connection to the official website Booking Engine will maximize investments, by reducing costs and fostering customer loyalty.


Trivago is one of the most famous metasearch and online reviews tools.
Hotels can activate a Pay Per Click campaign according to its needs and budget. By Trivago, users will be allowed to directly reserve on the official website.

Thereupon, the Hotel will benefit in visibility and competitiveness in relation with competitors and main OTAs.
Cost of each click is defined by the market manager of Trivago.



TripAdvisor è il più importante sito di recensioni al mondo e offre la possibilità ai viaggiatori di confrontare tariffe e disponibilità di ogni struttura ricettiva.
L’acquisizione di visibilità qualificata è da sempre uno degli elementi di successo di una strategia di marketing, su Tripadvisor è possibile optare tra due diverse soluzioni: Commissione o Pay Per Click (PPC).
Nel primo caso, la commissione varia dal 12% al 15%, in base alla visibilità che si vuole ottenere.

Il costo della campagna Pay Per Click, invece, sarà da definire con il proprio market manager.


Google Hotel Ads

Google Hotel Ads is Google advertising platform, specifically designed for hotels and all kind of accommodation facilities.
Google helps hoteliers to promote their properties and to sell their rooms directly on Google maps and Google. Thereby, properties will be visible in the search results sorted by brand and destination.
Users can easily get in touch with the property, by visiting its official website and finalizing reservation through the booking engine.

Thanks to Pay Per click campaigns, Google helps properties to increase the amount of direct reservations,hence bypassing OTAs.

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